Sunday, October 07, 2007

Wind Season

Charlie, nose into the wind, watching over the lower field. The ravens have been hanging in the wind all morning, and need to be watched.

What do you do if it's very windy and you are very small? Hide in tall grass, of course. I couldn't find my flock of Seabrights or my hen turkey until I went into their field and noticed some things that weren't green.


Ferrel said...

How come the tortoise received no tag line? He looks like he has quite a story to tell. I am very much enjoying reading/seeing the rest of your tale.
Red Rock Springs

Judy said...

Ah, the tortoise. He does indeed have a tale to tell. He came into my life when I was setting up the computers and network for the Spokane WIC clinics. He was in a nursery near the B&B I was staying at, and I fell in love. Two strong young men loaded his 3 pieces into my rental car, and we drove back to Chehalis. I then realized that it would be very difficult to get him OUT of the car without those strong young men - he is made of concrete. It took some time and a lot of thought, but I managed. And of course he moved with me to Onalaska. Someday he'll have a patio to stand on.