Saturday, October 02, 2010

On Guard!

I've posted pics of my beloved Charlie in this position before, but it thrills me so much I can't resist doing it again. This is one of Charlie's favorite spots, as he can oversee much of the property. Every few minutes he checks right and left, to make sure there are no threats to see or hear.


Buttons Thoughts said...

He is so cute. A big lovable old dog. Thank you for sharing.

Judy said...

I love working dogs. Charlie is a working Pyr, protecting his mixed flock by keeping an alert eye and ear on the boundaries, ready to be off in a moment to challenge a trespasser. No coyotes allowed here.

Teresa said...

What a beautiful dog. My Great Pyrenees is often in the same watchful pose.

Verde Farm said...

Oh my goodness--our Shep does the exact same thing. We say he is a like a lion overlooking his domain. Your GP is so beautiful. Aren’t they just amazing dogs :)

Judy said...

They are amazing dogs. I love the description - a lion overlooking his domain. LGDs are the best!

Kookum said...

He is so beautiful and wonderful. I can't even find the words for how he looks, I love this picture.