Saturday, July 17, 2010


Friday I had lunch with four of my favorite women at a lovely cafe in Seattle. The weather was sunny, Swanson's Cafe is surrounded by lovely plants, and my companions are all exceptional people. Ivy, Simone, Joy, Pearl and I had a wonderful time. Ivy (my godmother), Joy (my mother) and I are shown below with Santi - ready to head out to lunch. Pearl is the photographer, and a life long friend.

I feel very fortunate to have been raised in a community of strong, independent women. Now in their 80s, they are still vibrant, interesting people. Simone coordinates ski trips for a local school (and still skis). Ivy golfs and takes daily walks through her local parks. They, and the other women I grew up around, have always been an inspiration. I was an adult before I realized how unique and wonderful they really are.

These women were World War II war brides. They travelled thousands of miles to join their husbands in a foreign country, in a time when travel was slow and communication was mostly by mail. There were no assurances they would ever return home. It takes a special kind of person to undertake that life.

These women were my role models. I still hope to be like them when I grow up.

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