Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sound and Fury

The air has taken on presence. It is loud, boisterous and pushy. It picks things up and throws them around, not caring who or what they hit. You can hear it coming, feel the force - and then it arrives, cold and fierce. What a day. What a night. Hello wind, hello winter.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mat Upgrade

If he's going to spend time inside, he can have his therapeutic bed. From the day I brought him home from the shelter, Jesse has been a self-determined outside dog. Inside is OK as long as I'm there and a door is open, otherwise he wants out. This spending nights inside says to me his time is short. At this point, what Jesse wants, Jesse gets. Love the old dogs.

And yes, I do seem to be running an old age home.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Mat Habit

The Mat - day 2

Jesse walked in the house, walked around a while, stood where the mat was yesterday and started yipping at me. "Excuse me, there is supposed to be a mat here."

So yes, there is a mat there today as well. I may never exercise again.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Cutting Grass

It's a simple plan. I have a horse I want to fatten up before winter, and unfenced wetlands filled with canary grass. Most days I drive up to the power lines, down to the wet area, and cut treats for the Arab. Then dogs get involved, and it becomes a magical play time.

It was a scorcher of a day, and even at 5PM it must have been 90F. Red, a visiting Border Collie, Lucy, my Border Collie, and Millie the Pyr joined me on the trek.

Red, checking that he's going the right way

Lucy and Millie burrowing into the area I was about to cut

Lucy tucked into a hollow

Millie can't quite get it right...


Red is having none of this resting idea. Here he is trying to leap tall buildings.

Lucy think's it's too hot for that nonsense.

Finally I stopped taking pictures, got the grass cut and loaded, and we headed home. All 3 dogs are in this picture.

Missed Opportunity

Never get the exercise mat out until you are ready to use it. Jesse is 15 years old, I'm not going to fight him for it.

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Moon Magic

I was sitting at the computer when Jesse the Samoyed yipped a complaint. He's old, and needs help getting up. I walked outside, to be greeted by the lovely large moon.

I got Jesse up and on his way, and went for the camera. Who can resist taking photos when the moon comes calling?

Monday, September 08, 2014

Screen Door Art

Best screen door ever! This was for sale at the Great Pyrenees National show earlier this year. Hopefully Veryl remembers the artist/seller. I want one!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Life Changes

The single constant in life is change.

Last December my 90-year old memory-impaired mother moved in with me. She had been in an assisted-care facility, but wasn't getting enough care, and they had decided that Santi the cockatoo, her companion of 42 years, had to go.  Instead, they both left.

You can imagine this is a big change for me. After years of living on my own, I am now almost constantly with people, and  have many new responsibilities. Mom suffers from cluster strokes - very small strokes that don't incapacitate her but really beat her up inside - that are stealing her memory. She needs 24-hour care. Living with severe dementia is a challenge, and an incredible learning experience.

It is my hope that I have adjusted well enough that I can once again share my experiences through this blog. I need to take more pictures, as the camera helps me focus in on otherwise overlooked details. I need to write more, as this helps me focus on thoughts and ideas, and to see things more clearly.

Thank you for joining me on this new journey.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Bunny Love

My lovely mother enjoying one of my adorable bunnies.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Golden Glory

Friday, January 10, 2014

Settling In

Thursday, January 09, 2014